Here at Imlak’esh Organics, being sustainable is integral to how we do business. This means being responsible for our superfoods on their journey from the fields to your hands; from our sourcing, to our relationships with our farmers, to our packaging.
In the beginning stages of our company’s development our wonderful Creative Director, Phil, ventured far into the Internet world to find us packaging that met all of our environmental standards. Pleasing the team and their sustainability concerns is not something I would pass off as an easy task, but I can confidently say that we are all proud of the packaging and product we get share with people today. Our glass jars are practically designed for reuse!
So, when you finally prize that last golden berry from the bottom of your jar, consider the empty glass as a vessel for your creativity! Here at the Imlak’esh Headquarters, we’ve found there are few things that can be consumed from a jar; from soups, salads and grains to smoothies and tea, they are a kitchen staple! However, as our stash started piling up, we soon realized that we could get far more creative with their uses, so we headed to the craft cupboard. Here begins a series of creative re-purposing projects that we wanted to share with you, starting with…
The Conscious Candle!
After giving your jar rinse, try crafting your own candle! You can make your own candle from scratch, we recommend Lindsay's instructions on, or try sliding a small beeswax candle into the jar. Pull out your craft supplies, add a personal touch, and light up your evening.
How have you re-used your superfood jar? We would love to hear your ideas, so please send us in your pictures here. We might even be featured on our website!